Scriptural Rosary Store -

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

This year, 2009, will be the first complete year for Our one year anniversary is 1/20/2009. It is possible that more than 6,000 rosaries will have been prayed by this date.

This is a tremendous blessing and I want to thank each and everyone that has contributed to the success of the site. Your prayers, your donations, your purchases from the Scriptural Rosary Store have made this mission possible. I hope and pray that God is pleased with all of our efforts.

A special thanks also to those that have linked to our site from online church bulletins, blogs, directories, etc.. Through your efforts, we have moved to one of the top three positions when "scriptural rosary" is searched on Google, Yahoo and MSN.

The mission remains to spread devotion to the Most Holy Rosary of Our Blessed Mother. Another goal is to have 100,000 rosaries prayed as a result of the site. I thank you all in advance for your continued support towards both of these goals in 2009.

On 11/18/08, I posted a poll in an effort to see how many unique individuals have prayed at the site. Since that time, 55 individuals have stated "Yes" to have prayed at least one time at the site.

There are two sure fire ways to reach our goal of 100,000 faster. We all can pray more often or we can work together to bring new participants to the site. Please God, let it be both!

Here is some interesting math. If all 55 participants prayed at least 4 rosaries a week (each Mystery one time) we will pray 11,440 rosaries in 2009. If we all could manage to pray daily, this number would be 20,020! That's accomplished even if no new participants come to the site.

The new year is usually a time for announcing "improvements" to our lives. Many of these resolutions involve improving our physical health.

I ask you all to consider making a resolution to spend more time with God. To improve upon your spiritual well being. Daily recitation of the Holy Rosary is a great step in this direction.

God bless you all. I truly appreciate your prayers and participation in the mission. May 2009 be your best year yet!

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